Hwj chim qaum Plug

Hwj chim qaum Plug

Fais fab qaum Plug0 (2)

Cov yas yog rhuab ib zaug los tsim kev puas tsuaj rau lub cev ntawm plasticization.Cua sov los ntawm chav tsev kub mus rau qhov kub siab, txhaj tshuaj molding, thiab sprue spout khoom nyob rau lub sij hawm no los ntawm kub kub rov qab mus rau chav tsev kub.
Lub cev lub cev pib hloov pauv, feem ntau hais lus, tom qab 2-3 teev nws lub cev lub cev yuav ncav cuag cov yas tom qab kev puas tsuaj ntawm 100%.
Lub tshuab kub crushing rov siv dua yog nyob rau hauv qhov kub kub tawm ntawm cov sprues, tam sim ntawd muab tso rau hauv crushing, tsis pub dhau 30 vib nas this cia li ua kom tiav cov sieve hmoov thiab qhov kev faib ua feem ntawm kev sib tov, thiab tam sim ntawd mus rau hauv lub hau ntswj siv lub ub, thiab tsis cuam tshuam cov zoo, thiab tuaj yeem ua tiav kev tiv thaiv ib puag ncig, txuag hluav taws xob.

AC, DC fais fab cords, cov ntaub ntawv cords, lub zog cords ntawm lub qhov ncauj cov khoom, cable extrusion molding tuag lub taub hau cov ntaub ntawv, tuaj yeem siv qhov ntsiag to thermal shredder, koj tuaj yeem siv cov khoom siv yuav luag li cov khoom siv tshiab, txo qhov poob, ntau lawm yam tsis muaj kev txhawj xeeb.

Fais fab-Cord-Plug0-1

Client Testimonials

Ntau tshaj 60% ruaj khov piv rau tib lub sijhawm, txuag kev siv zog thiab nyiaj txiag

Cov khoom tshwj xeeb

Tsis muaj suab nrov: Thaum lub sijhawm crushing, lub suab nrov tuaj yeem qis li 30 decibels, txo cov suab nrov hauv qhov chaw ua haujlwm.
Cov hmoov me me, cov khoom tsis sib xws: Qhov tshwj xeeb "V" txiav tsim ua rau cov hmoov me me thiab cov khoom sib xws.
Ib qho yooj yim los ntxuav: Lub crusher muaj tsib kab ntawm zigzag txiav cov cuab yeej, tsis muaj screws thiab qhib tsim, ua kom huv si tsis muaj qhov muag tsis pom kev yooj yim.

3111 ib

Cov khoom sib piv

Zoo zoo yog los ntawm txhua yam

Fais fab qaum Plug0 (13)

Silent shredder-crusher chamber

Lub thickness ntawm crushing chamber yog 40m, uas yog ntsiag to thiab ntau ruaj thaum crushing.

Fais fab qaum Plug0 (12)

Silent shredder-Hniav Khoom

Ntshuam TKD-325, tom qab ntau tshaj 10 xyoo ntawm kev sim thiab cov neeg siv khoom pov thawj, hnav tsis kam thiab corrosion kuj zoo dua li cov khoom siv SKD11 tiag 3 ~ 5 zaug.

Fais fab qaum Plug0 (11)

Silent shredder-Knife qauv

Tsib kab ntawm herringbone riam hom, txiav cov khoom sib npaug, tsis muaj suab nrov, tsis muaj screws, ib-thooj precision casting molding qauv, yooj yim thiab ceev hloov cov xim thiab hloov cov khoom.

Fais fab qaum Plug0 (14)

Silent shredder-hopper

Ob txheej txheej stainless hlau tom qab ci xim kev kho mob, tsis tshua muaj suab nrov, huv si, ib puag ncig tiv thaiv, ruaj.


1. Koj puas yog lub Hoobkas?

Peb yog cov chaw tsim khoom nyob hauv Dongguan, Suav.Tshwj xeeb hauv, nws tau tsom mus rau kev tshawb fawb, kev tsim kho, kev tsim khoom, thiab kev muag khoom ntawm cov khoom siv zoo, kev ua haujlwm siab roj hmab thiab yas ib puag ncig tiv thaiv automation khoom.rau ntau tshaj 43 xyoo, muaj ntau txhiab tus neeg siv khoom, txais tos rau kev kuaj xyuas lub Hoobkas.

2. MOQ yog dab tsi?

MOQ yog 1 pcs.

Qauv muaj rau cov neeg siv khoom los xyuas qhov zoo ua ntej kev txiav txim ntau.

3. Dab tsi yog cov khoom tseem ceeb ntawm lub Hoobkas no?

Peb lub Hoobkas tsuas yog tsim cov khoom siv yas granulator (xws li Yas Shredder, yas tshuab ziab khaub ncaws, Yas chiller, thiab lwm yam), thiab peb tuaj yeem kho lwm yam khoom raws li cov neeg siv khoom xav tau.

4. Puas yog lub Hoobkas puas muab kev pabcuam tsis yog tus qauv tsim?

Yog lawm, peb muab kev pabcuam tsis yog tus qauv tsim.Peb muaj cov kws tshaj lij R & D pab pawg thiab cov cuab yeej tsim khoom, thiab tuaj yeem tsim thiab tsim khoom raws li cov neeg siv khoom xav tau.

5. Lub peev xwm ntawm lub Hoobkas yog dab tsi?

Peb lub Hoobkas muaj cov cuab yeej tshaj lij thiab cov kab ntau lawm, uas tuaj yeem ua tau raws li qhov xav tau ntawm cov khoom loj.Koj tuaj yeem sab laj rau peb rau qhov tshwj xeeb muaj peev xwm, thiab peb yuav ntsuas thiab npaj raws li koj xav tau.

6. Kev tswj xyuas zoo hauv lub hoobkas li cas?

Peb muab qhov tseem ceeb rau cov khoom zoo, thiab peb lub Hoobkas nruj me ntsis ua raws li cov kev tswj xyuas zoo thiab tau dhau ISO daim ntawv pov thawj.Thaum lub sij hawm tsim khoom, peb yuav ua ntau yam kev soj ntsuam zoo kom paub meej tias cov khoom ua tau raws li cov neeg siv khoom thiab cov qauv.

7. Lub sij hawm coj mus kuaj nruab nrab yog dab tsi?

Rau cov qauv, lub sijhawm ua haujlwm yog li 7 hnub.Rau kev tsim khoom loj, lub sijhawm ua haujlwm yog 20-30 hnub tom qab tau txais cov nyiaj them poob haujlwm.Lub sij hawm ua cov hmoov lead ua tau zoo thaum (1) peb tau txais koj qhov tso nyiaj, thiab (2) peb tau txais koj qhov kev pom zoo zaum kawg rau koj cov khoom.Yog tias peb lub sijhawm ua haujlwm tsis ua haujlwm nrog koj lub sijhawm kawg, thov mus hla koj qhov kev xav tau nrog koj qhov muag.Nyob rau hauv txhua rooj plaub peb yuav sim ua kom haum raws li koj xav tau.Feem ntau peb muaj peev xwm ua tau li ntawd.

8. Hom kev them nqi twg koj txais?

Koj tuaj yeem them nyiaj rau peb tus account hauv txhab nyiaj, Western Union lossis PayPal:

30% tso nyiaj ua ntej, 70% tshuav nyiaj li cas tiv thaiv daim B / L.

9. Koj puas tuaj yeem muab cov ntaub ntawv cuam tshuam?

Yog lawm, peb tuaj yeem muab cov ntaub ntawv feem ntau suav nrog Daim Ntawv Pov Thawj Kev Ntsuam Xyuas / Kev Ua Raws Cai;Kev pov hwm;Keeb kwm, thiab lwm yam ntaub ntawv export thaum xav tau.

10. Kuv puas xav tau lub shredder ua ntej kuv granulator?

Lub sijhawm shredder pab tiv thaiv lub granulator los ntawm kev txo cov load thaum lub sij hawm regrind thaum nws yog pre-shredded.Nws yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws los siv lub shredder rau cov ntaub ntawv hnyav ntawm lub ntim siab.Shredder hom yuav txawv nyob ntawm seb cov khoom siv (xws li ib leeg-ncej vs. ntau ncej).Feem ntau cov shredders tuaj yeem siv inline rau kev sib txuas txuas ntxiv.

8. Kuv yuav ua li cas thiaj li ua tau kom lub neej ntev ntawm kuv cov cuab yeej Txo Qhov Loj?

Khaws koj cov granulators thiab shredders khaws cia yog qhov tseem ceeb heev.Nco ntsoov ua kom tsis tu ncua thiab hloov cov riam thaum tsim nyog.Cov riam dull ua rau tsis zoo regrind thiab ua rau muaj kev vibrations, uas yuav ua rau muaj kev tu ntau zaus.


Cov khoom siv roj hmab uas tsim los siv ZAOGE Rubber Environmental Utilization System yog muag hauv ntau tshaj 100 lub teb chaws thoob ntiaj teb.

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