Lub tshuab cua txias muaj chiller yog cov cuab yeej ua kom txias thiab txhim khu kev qha uas tuaj yeem txo qhov kub thiab txias kom ruaj khov. Nws yog dav siv nyob rau hauv lub txias teb ntawm niaj hnub kev lag luam. Cov khoom lag luam no yooj yim rau kev khiav lag luam thiab tuaj yeem tswj cov dej kub ntawm -3 ℃ to + 5 ℃, nrog rau cov cua txias zoo. Nws tau nruab nrog ntau yam kev tiv thaiv, xws li kev tiv thaiv overload tam sim no, kev tswj siab thiab qis qis, thiab hluav taws xob lub sij hawm ncua kev ruaj ntseg, kom ntseeg tau tias kev ruaj ntseg ntawm cov khoom. Nws yog ua los ntawm stainless hlau insulated dej tank uas yooj yim los ntxuav. Cov tshuab chillers no tuaj yeem hloov kho nrog cov kua qaub thiab alkali tsis kam rau ntau yam kev siv.
Lub tshuab cua txias muaj chiller yog cov cuab yeej ua kom txias thiab txhim khu kev qha uas tuaj yeem txo qhov kub thiab txias kom ruaj khov. Nws yog dav siv nyob rau hauv lub txias teb ntawm niaj hnub kev lag luam. Cov khoom lag luam no yooj yim rau kev khiav lag luam thiab tuaj yeem tswj cov dej kub ntawm -3 ℃ to + 5 ℃, nrog rau cov cua txias zoo. Nws tau nruab nrog ntau yam kev tiv thaiv, xws li kev tiv thaiv overload tam sim no, kev tswj siab thiab qis qis, thiab hluav taws xob lub sij hawm ncua kev ruaj ntseg, kom ntseeg tau tias kev ruaj ntseg ntawm cov khoom. Nws yog ua los ntawm stainless hlau insulated dej tank uas yooj yim los ntxuav. Cov tshuab chillers no tuaj yeem hloov kho nrog cov kua qaub thiab alkali tsis kam rau ntau yam kev siv.
Lub tshuab no tau nruab nrog ntau yam kev tiv thaiv kev nyab xeeb, suav nrog kev tiv thaiv overload, tiv thaiv overcurrent, kev tiv thaiv siab thiab tsis tshua muaj hluav taws xob, tiv thaiv kub, tiv thaiv dej txias, tiv thaiv compressor, thiab tiv thaiv rwb thaiv tsev. Cov cuab yeej tiv thaiv no tuaj yeem ua kom muaj kev nyab xeeb thiab kev ntseeg siab ntawm lub tshuab chiller thiab ua kom muaj kev ua haujlwm zoo ntawm cov txheej txheem ntau lawm. Kev saib xyuas tsis tu ncua yuav tsum tau siv thaum siv lub tshuab chiller kom ntseeg tau tias nws ua haujlwm zoo thiab ua haujlwm siab.
Panasonic compressors yog hom compressor zoo heev uas feem ntau siv hauv cov tshuab chillers. Lawv muaj txiaj ntsig zoo, txuag hluav taws xob, tsis muaj suab nrov, tsis tshua muaj kev vibration, thiab txhim khu kev qha, muab kev ruaj khov thiab txhim khu kev qha cua txias thiab tub yees rau kev tsim khoom. Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, qhov yooj yim thiab yooj yim-rau-tus qauv ntawm Panasonic compressors txo cov nqi kho thiab hloov cov nqi.
Panasonic compressors yog hom compressor zoo heev uas feem ntau siv hauv cov tshuab chillers. Lawv muaj txiaj ntsig zoo, txuag hluav taws xob, tsis muaj suab nrov, tsis tshua muaj kev vibration, thiab txhim khu kev qha, muab kev ruaj khov thiab txhim khu kev qha cua txias thiab tub yees rau kev tsim khoom. Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, qhov yooj yim thiab yooj yim-rau-tus qauv ntawm Panasonic compressors txo cov nqi kho thiab hloov cov nqi.
Industrial chiller dej kav yuav tsum muaj kev tiv thaiv corrosion, siab-siab tsis kam, thiab kub tsis kam. Lub siab thiab qis-siab hloov yog ib qho kev tiv thaiv kev ruaj ntseg uas saib xyuas cov tub yees hloov siab los tiv thaiv cov khoom puas. Kev tshuaj xyuas tsis tu ncua thiab kev saib xyuas cov kav dej thiab qhov hloov pauv siab thiab qis yog qhov tseem ceeb rau kev ua kom lub chiller ua haujlwm zoo thiab ua haujlwm siab.
Lub evaporator ntawm lub tshuab chiller yog ib qho tseem ceeb rau kev ua kom txias thiab txias. Nws siv cov raj zoo thiab cov fins kom sai sai sai thiab txo qhov kub thiab txias thaum nqus cua sov los ntawm ib puag ncig sab nraud los ntawm evaporation. Lub evaporator yog ib qho yooj yim los tswj, hloov tau yooj yim, thiab muab kev pabcuam txias txias thiab tub yees rau kev tsim khoom.
Lub evaporator ntawm lub tshuab chiller yog ib qho tseem ceeb rau kev ua kom txias thiab txias. Nws siv cov raj zoo thiab cov fins kom sai sai sai thiab txo qhov kub thiab txias thaum nqus cua sov los ntawm ib puag ncig sab nraud los ntawm evaporation. Lub evaporator yog ib qho yooj yim los tswj, hloov tau yooj yim, thiab muab kev pabcuam txias txias thiab tub yees rau kev tsim khoom.
hom | ZG-FSC-05A | ZG-FSC-08A | ZG-FSC-10A | ZG-FSC-15A | ZG-FSC-20A |
tub yees muaj peev xwm | 13.5 KW TSI | 19.08 KW UA | 25.55 KW TSI | 35.79 KWG | 51.12 kWm |
11607 ib | ib 16405 | 21976 ib | 33352 ib | ib 43943 | |
tub yees | R22 | ||||
compressor lub cev muaj zog | 3.75 ib | 6 | 7.5 | 11.25 Nws | 15 |
5 | 8 | 10 | 15 | 20 | |
cua txias ntxuam ntws (l / min) | 3900 ib | 7800 ib | 9200 ib | 12600 Nws | 18900 Nws |
kiv cua txoj kab uas hla (mm) | 400 × 2 | 450 × 2 | 500 × 2 | 500 × 3 | 500 × 4 |
hluav taws xob | 380V-400V 3 PHAB 50Hz-69Hz | ||||
dej tank peev xwm | 50 | 85 | 85 | 150 | 180 |
dej twj tso kua mis zog (kw hp) | 0.37 ib | 0.75 ib | 0.75 ib | 1.5 | 1.5 |
1/2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | |
dej twj tso kua mis flow rate (l / min) | 50-100 | 100-200 | 100-200 | 160-320 : kuv | 160-320 : kuv |
khoom siv kev nyab xeeb | high/low pressure switch roj siab hloov kev ruaj ntseg overheat tswj fuse compressor built-in thermostat | ||||
kev siv tam sim no thaum ua haujlwm | 9 | 13 | 15 | 27 | 38 |
cov khoom siv rwb thaiv tsev | ua npuas ncauj daim kab xev roj hmab hose | ||||
qhov loj (D × W × H) | 1350 × 650 × 1280 hli | 1500 × 820 × 1370 hli | 1500 × 820 × 1370 hli | 1900 × 950 × 1540 hli | 1900 × 950 × 1540 hli |
net luj | 315 | 400 | 420 | 560 | 775 ib |